How do I turn on PerfectIt's legal checking?

PerfectIt can be used for checking legal documents in any country. However, if you produce legal documents in the United States, we've built an extra level of legal checking with PerfectIt's American Legal Style. If you turn on American Legal Style, PerfectIt will:

  • enforce hyphenation and italicization based on Black’s Law Dictionary;
  • check for common Bluebook formatting errors; and
  • search for common errors arising from autocorrect, spellcheck or dictation tools.

Instructions for how to turn on American Legal Style are shown for both PerfectIt 5 and PerfectIt Cloud below. You only need to turn it on once and then PerfectIt will remember your selection.

Using American Legal Style in PerfectIt 5

Open PerfectIt 5 and click ‘Launch PerfectIt’.

Then select ‘American Legal Style’ from the ‘Current Style’ drop-down box in the ribbon:

PerfectIt Current Style drop-down Select American Legal Style from the 'Current Style' drop-down (Enlarge image)

Now when you run PerfectIt it will check your document against the American Legal Style sheet.

Using American Legal Style in PerfectIt Cloud

Open PerfectIt Cloud and click ‘Launch PerfectIt’.

Click on the style selector drop-down box below the Start button:

PerfectIt Current Style drop-down Click the style selector drop-down (Enlarge image)

Select ‘American Legal Style’ from the list:

PerfectIt Current Style drop-down Select American Legal Style (Enlarge image)


For more information about American Legal Style see our video tutorial on Checking Legal Documents.