How do I install PerfectIt Cloud on an iPad?

Installing PerfectIt

Open Word and tap the ‘Insert’ tab. Tap ‘Add-ins’:

AddInsMenu The Add-Ins menu (Enlarge image)

Tap ‘See All’. Scroll through the list (there is no search facility) until you find PerfectIt. Tap 'Add' and tap ‘Trust it’ to install the add-in.

AddPerfectIt Add the PerfectIt app (Enlarge image)

Running PerfectIt

To access the add-in once installed, tap ‘Add-ins’ in the ‘Insert’ tab and tap ‘My Add-ins’:

My Add-Ins My Add-Ins (Enlarge image)

Tap the PerfectIt icon to start the add-in:

StartingPerfectItAddIn Starting the PerfectIt Add-In (Enlarge image)