Legal writing is important, so proofreading matters. Don’t let sloppy mistakes damage your reputation and credibility. PerfectIt eases the burden and ensures quality.
Lawyers spend 3-10 hours per week proofreading. The result is that a third of lawyers skip proofreading despite the commercial and compliance risk. PerfectIt helps to cut that time. If that means you can go home at 9pm instead of midnight (or midnight instead of 3am), then you will wake up refreshed and be confident in your work.
Errors impact your credibility and hurt your reputation. Sloppy and confusing documents lead to unwanted outcomes. Make the best impression on judges, in-house counsel, and your colleagues with PerfectIt.
Most documents contain errors regardless of whether they were proofread. For cleaner, clearer documents writers should spend 35% of their time proofreading and editing. With PerfectIt you can use your time wisely and produce better work product.
PerfectIt uses a familiar interface with step-by-step guidance. It runs within Microsoft Word and works with other add-ins. PerfectIt is intuitive and is useful at every stage of your writing process. Get instant impact without overhauling your process.
PerfectIt’s legal checking was designed by lawyers for lawyers. It includes 13,000 legal-specific checks that only lawyers and trained legal editors would know to look for. No matter what kind of legal document you are working on, PerfectIt will save time and ensure your text is the best it can be.